Written by Steven R Vevers-Webb, “Frozen Snow Queen” is based upon the story written by Hans Christian Andersen. It’s a story of two lovers who find themselves split by the evil Ice Queen (Played by Fatima Niemogha). The show has 2 actors who perform alongside projected images and involves a lot of sign language.
I was lucky enough to attend the show with 7-year-old Lily-Anne, who agreed to give her feedback on her experience of the night:
The whole show is performed in sign language, which I sadly don’t understand, but it had lots speech through and lots of text for me to read on the screen. When characters did not speak it often talks over the character, so that you can understand them. This was difficult to understand to begin with but as the show went on it got a lot easier, as I got used to it.
The actors who played Anna (Played by Naomi Gray) and Kay (Played by Julian Peedle-Calloo) are very good at interacting with the screen and sometimes walked straight onto the screen, after previ- ously being on the stage, this surprised me, and must have been magic. Often the actors spoke to people on the screens, who were not on stage, they must have had loads of practice, but I sometimes wondered if the characters were backstage.
A strange character was the evil devil Lucifer (Played by Will Lewis), who appears in two parts of the show. He appears trying to tempt the lady who knew magic, a character who was very funny as he seemed to be the one who never got his way.
There was no scenery and instead the setting was a screen that in- cluded a wonderful castle, garden and the inside of a house. Al- though this was simple it really made me watch the characters. Although I did not understand the sign language I enjoyed it. I could tell that those who cannot speak or hear well really loved the show and afterwards I saw people jumping around in excitement and happiness
The Frozen Snow Queen is coming to Brookside Theatre in Romford on the 4/5th January. Performances are at 1.30pm & 7pm. Booking online